After finishing the Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies, some students may be interested in pursuing with a Ph D in our Program in Economics. Here we present general Guidelines for the PhD Program:
Doctoral degree
Doctoral degree. Those students willing to pursue a Doctoral degree have to ask for admission to the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Program in Quantitative Finance and Economics. Applications must have the support of a faculty member for Doctoral dissertation supervision.
Second year courses
During their second year, doctoral students may take advanced courses. These courses are intended to consolidate students’ knowledge. These courses can be taken at the University of the Basque Country or at another university. Second year stays at other universities are to be approved by the student’s Doctoral thesis advisor.
Second year paper
During the second year, students are expected to present a written paper proposal to her/his the Doctoral thesis advisor. Upon approval, the student should write the second year paper and present it in a seminar. This paper is supposed to be a first piece of the student’s doctoral dissertation.
Third and fourth year papers
During the third and fourth years, students are expected to write a second and a third paper to complete their dissertations. The same procedures in terms of proposals, approvals and seminars apply here.
Visiting another university
Although not strictly required, students are encouraged to visit another university during their graduate studies. This visit is also subject to approval by the doctoral thesis advisor.
Scientific meeting presentation
Students are expected to present at least one paper in a scientific meeting before completion of their doctoral degree.
Job market
When seeking academic employment, students are expected to enroll in the job market organized around the Spanish Economic Association Meeting or the European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society organized by the European Economic Association.
Doctoral Thesis
A doctoral thesis is a piece of research carried out by the doctoral degree candidate that constitutes a contribution to human knowledge and demonstrates the candidate’s capability to carry on research independently.
Doctoral Thesis defense
Students are expected to present a written manuscript of their thesis for external refereeing to a Doctoral Dissertation Refereeing Committee appointed by the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Program in Quantitative Finance and Economics. Upon approval, students are expected to meet the university-wide administrative requirements. The Doctoral thesis advisor designates, and the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Program approves the Doctoral Dissertation Committee before which the candidate will defend his/her doctoral dissertation.
Thesis Supervised by our Faculty
For a detailed list of Thesis supervised by our Faculty, click here.